It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board. 在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场。
It's hard work, but if hang on, you won't go by the board in the end. 工作是够艰苦的,但只要坚持下去,最终还是能成功的。
I realize that these topics go all over the board and that you may completely agree or completely disagree with some of my assertions; you may also have additional subjects to add. 我认为这些主题涉及的领域非常广泛,对于我的某些观点,您可以完全赞同也可以完全不赞同;您也可以添加其他主题。
Fixes that require changes to two or more subsystems should go through the board to ensure that all parties agree to the solution. 需要变更两个或多个子系统的修改应该需要通过变更委员会来确定每个部分都达成一致意见。
She had seemed to become his key adviser, close enough that there has been speculation she would go on the board of the newspaper company being split from the larger entertainment company. 她似乎变成了他的主要顾问,他们之间很是亲密,亲密到有人猜测她会成为从默多克大娱乐公司分离出来的新闻公司董事会成员。
The result is a new generation of fast programs that play particularly well on small versions of the Go board. 这一切的结果是能够很好地在小棋盘上进行围棋的新一代快速程序的研发。
Now you may go on board with your hand baggage, your other suitcases will be carried by the porters. 现在,你可提着行李袋上船,其他的旅行箱可由搬运工帮你搬运。
In spite of this, I like to play fire, go skating board, play cards with my friends and so on. 除了这些以外,我还喜欢和好朋友一起玩火、滑滑板、打卡等。
I go to all the board meetings. 所有董事会议我都要参加。
The plan for a picnic had to go by the board. 去野餐的计划已经落空了。
Let's go on board now to avoid the last minute rush. 我们现在就上车吧,免得最后挤得要命。
For having money in my pocket, and good cloths upon my back, I would always go on board in the habit of a gentleman; and so I neither had any business ship, or learn'd to do any. 口袋里装了几个钱,身上穿着体面的衣服,我就像往常一样,以绅士的身份上了船。船上的一切事务,我从不参与,也从不学着去做。
The sergeant made some kind of report, and some entry in a book, and then the convict whom I call the other convict was drafted off with his guard, to go on board first. 巡官做了汇报,又在本子上做了些记录,然后便让卫兵押着我不认识的那一个犯人先上监狱船去。
The tea tray is designed to be like a go board, and the round teacup and teapot are just like several large-sized go chess pieces. 将茶具托盘的表面设计成围棋盘面,圆润的茶杯和茶壶就好比几颗大的围棋子。
This group will go first and board the stern. 你们几个先登上船尾。
The old man thought that too many people now let good manners go by the board. 这位老人认为,现在人把好的举止抛到九霄云外去了。
Only then discovered she did not know which should go to board the train. 才发现她不知道该去哪上火车。
May we go on board to visit your aircraft? 我们上飞机参观一下好吗?
And I'm gonna go to the board for a second and show you, if I can, what that basically means. 我将要去黑板那一会,给你们展示,如果我可以,那意味着什么。
"Pick out lawn furniture" is on the same list at "go to the board meeting" because both are competing for the same, limited amount of your time. “选购草坪家具”和“去开董事会”都要列在同样的单子上。因为两件事情都争夺了同样长而有限的时间。
Go on board; used of ships or aircraft. 上船;用于船或者飞机。
At night, she accompany her mother, go to the board bed, to cover with straw, in old house, not mind a wife of a minister. 晚上,已经身为部长夫人的王连湘,陪着老母亲,就睡在老屋里的一张铺着稻草的板床上。
He has let good manners go by the board long ago. 他早就把好举止抛到九霄云外了。
It's a shame they let the scheme for the new swimming pool go by the board. 他们竟将新游泳池的计划给忽视了,真丢人。
He was ignoring the last deception as something that might go by the board. 他撇开不提最后的这次欺骗,似乎这事可以给忽略过去。
I'm afraid the new car will have to go by the board we ca n't afford it. 我看买新汽车的事要告吹我们买不起。
Go and bring a board to make the pegs! 你去拿块木板来,做小木橛子用!
Let him humbly commune with Zoroaster then, and through the liberalizing influence of all the worthies, with Jesus Christ himself, and let "our church" go by the board. 那末,让他谦逊地和琐罗亚斯德精神沟通,并且在一切圣贤的自由影响下,跟耶稣基督精神沟通,然后,“让我们的教会”滚开吧。
I also added that one month later which is now I would publish a post which would highlight the next steps you need to take to make your ideal life go from the drawing board to reality. 我还补充道,一个月后&即现在,我会继续粘贴出下一步你需要采取的最重要部分,使你理想的生活从纸上变成现实。
You have to pass the security check, then go to board. 您必须通过安检,才能登机。